Diamond Proposal Ring for a Dog-lover Girlfriend

An unforgettable request, an iconic customisation, her dream comes true.

A proposing guy told us to craft a ring for his fiancée who lllovvves dogs, and here you go!

Now available worldwide, the eClarity bespoke engagement ring is unlike any other. #eClarity

Schedule an appointment to know all you need to know about a diamond ring, WhatsApp 98331220, or register webinar: eClarity.com.sg/register-for-webinar

eClarity Diamond Engagement Ring

Every eClarity diamond ring is skilfully crafted with commitment and accuracy to unearth fire, brightness, and scintillations. Precious from the moment they’re mined, the diamonds selected are entrusted to mastercraftmen who hold years of experience to their masterpiece. #eClarity #diamond #engagementring

Discover more:  https://eclarity.com.sg/product-category/settings/