eClarity Twisted Interweaving Wedding Bands

eClarity Twisted Interweaving Wedding Bands

Twisted interweaving wedding bands in 18k black, white gold are a unique and stunning choice for couples who want something different from the traditional wedding rings.

These rings are made from two different types of gold: 18k white gold and 18k black gold. The white gold is a classic and timeless choice, while the black gold adds an edgy and modern touch to the rings.

White Velvet Matte Finishing Wedding Band in 18k Black Gold

The interweaving design of the bands creates a beautiful and intricate pattern that symbolizes the unity and connection of the couple. The twist in the bands also adds a sense of movement and energy, representing the couple’s journey together.
These wedding bands are perfect for couples who want to express their individuality and style while still honoring the tradition of exchanging wedding rings. The combination of black and white gold is also a symbolic representation of the yin and yang, the balance and harmony between opposing forces.

In addition to their unique design, twisted interweaving wedding bands in 18k black and white gold are also durable and long-lasting. The 18k gold used in the rings is high-quality and resistant to tarnishing, ensuring that the rings will remain beautiful for years to come.

Overall, twisted interweaving wedding bands in 18k black and white gold are a stunning and meaningful choice for couples who want to express their love and commitment in a unique and stylish way.

eClarity Featured Article: TLC x Fempreneurs Series: Amanda Koo (eClarity)

Another featured interview of Amanda Koo, by The Ladies Cue.

Above and beyond a female entrepreneur, Amanda Koo, Founder of eClarity, BA.SG and The Sample Line, is also a mum of 3 boys. Amanda shares about her journey on becoming a fempreneur.

Special thanks to #TheLadiesCue for featuring our founder!

To read the Interview, go to:

To check out our premium bespoke engagement rings, wedding bands: Visit

To browse for list of certified labgrown diamonds: Visit BA.SG

To download The Sample Line App: search The Sample Line or eClarity on AppStore or PlayStore, or visit

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