Something New for You
Something new for you. The new additions to the eClarity collection are available at the eClarity gallery for your style identity experience.
Eternity with a Sweet Touch of Pink
Get ready for eClarity’s sweetest new collection – now including ring, bracelet, earrings, necklace, and wedding bands. #eClarity
eClarity New Collection
eClarity New Collection – the ultimate design. Now in platinum, every piece was crafted by hand intricately for perfect saturation and sparkle. #eClarity
Deepavali Special Featured Proposals
We spotted a Yacht Proposal! Congratulations to you, Jagadeesh! p/s: Did you see the rainbow colored roses? #deepavalispecialfeaturedproposals
A Sweet Wedding Proposal
We spotted a sweet Wedding Proposal! Congratulations Terence! p/s: Did you see the photographs laid in bed forming a heartshape? ❤
Diamond Proposal Ring for a Dog-lover Girlfriend
An unforgettable request, an iconic customisation, her dream comes true. A proposing guy told us to craft a ring for his fiancée who lllovvves dogs, and...
Fancy Shape Diamonds – Cushion Cut Diamond Engagement Ring
Shape is the external contour of diamond. eClarity offers a wide range of diamond shapes, included round, princess, cushion, emerald, pear, marquise,...
eClarity’s Tango 5 Prongs Diamond Proposal Ring
Introducing eClarity’s tango diamond ring setting in swirl design. Now in 5 prongs, representing star shape, the eClarity tango collection is the most...
eClarity Bespoke Wedding Bands with Motif, and Sapphires mounted on inner bands
Handcrafted for a love story. Express your love and who you are with eClarity’s bespoke wedding bands. The bands are carved with antique motif. Blue and pink sapphires are mounted on inner bands, symbolizing faithfulness, and sincerity. #eClaritybespokeweddingbands...
eClarity Diamond Engagement Ring
Every eClarity diamond ring is skilfully crafted with commitment and accuracy to unearth fire, brightness, and scintillations. Precious from the moment they’re mined, the diamonds selected are entrusted to mastercraftmen who hold years of experience to their...